Plant Listing Oncidium Intergenerics 


CODES:  ss = seedling size; ls = large seedling; nfs = near flowering size; fs = flowering size


Page last updated on February 2, 2025


Featured Plants, Flasks, Cattleya, Miscellaneous, Oncidium Intergenerics, Paphiopedilums, Doritaenopsis,  Phalaenopsis, Species, Supplies

M - Oncidioda

A-H, Oncidium - Z

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Maclellanara Pagan Lovesong Odcdm Tiger Butter x Brassia verrucosa Star-shaped chartreuse-yellow flowers with symmetrical deep chocolate spotting on basal two-thirds of the petals and sepals and around base of lip. Mericlone. $34-36 fs
Miltassia Brassia Datacosa x Milt Seminole Blood Flowers are star shaped, cream to pale pink with pale to dark plum markings at the centre and on the lip. Relatively easy to grow and warmth tolerant.  $30-32 nfs

Very Limited 

Miltassia Aztec 'Toni' HCC/AOS Mtssa Cartagena x Milt Minas Gerais Large flowers with sepals and petals soft reddish purple, boldly marked with maroon blotches and distinctly outlined in white. The lip is a bright reddish purple, fading to rose-lavender. Tall, elegant spikes. $32-36 fs


Miltassia C. M. Fitch ‘Izumi’ Brassia verrucosa x Miltonia spectabilis Sepals and petals pale green with purple blotches evenly distributed; lip lilac. This clone has well spaced flowers.  

$36 fs

Very Limited 


Miltassia Dark Star "Darth Vader" Mtssa Olmec x Milt Anne Warne  Petals and sepals brushed plum with darker barring, lip pink with yellow centre. Large flowers - plants in 5" and 6" pots.  $32 fs

Very Limited 

Miltassia Denis Kleinbach ‘Crowhurst’ AM/AOS Mtssa Cartagena x Milt Goodale Moir Petals and sepals yellow with purple bars. Lip purple blending to white. Flowers are large with better shape than most Miltassia. Mericlone. $32-35 fs
Miltassia Royal Robe Jerry’s Pick Mtssa Erachne x Milt Seminole Blood The flowers are large and smooth like raspberry sauce with the seeds strained out. They are even slightly fragrant. Mericlone. $30-32 fs

Very Limited

Miltassia. S. y N. Guácaras Brassia gireoudiana x Miltonia spectabilis Vigorous plants carrying large, star shaped flowers that are nicely scented. This is not a clone so there is a degree of variability between the flowers. $30-35 fs
Miltassia Shelob 'Tolkien' AM/AOS Mtssa Olmec x Brassia Edvah Loo Flowers are chartreuse; petal base covered solid dark velvety brown changing to bars, tips burnished brown; lip flushed rose. Mericlone. $34-36  fs
Miltassia Star Burst Brs Rex x Miltonia Tropic Dawn Flowers are large, star shaped and range in colour from burnt almond to purple. Fragrant. $32 fs

Very Limited

Miltonia Miltonia (Honolulu x Binotii) Warm growing hybrid. Flowers have an off white base with large oval pink spots and a deeper pink lip. $30-32 fs
Miltonia Milt. Binotii x Milt. candida Flowers are fragrant with a tubular lip that often is a pale purple. Quite a variable cross in terms of patterning and coloration of the flowers. Generally the plant sends up multiples spikes each carrying several flowers. $32-34 fs


Milmiltonia Miltoniopsis Paradise Park 'Mauna Loa' x Miltonia warscewiczii 'Plumb Crazy' Cool growing miltoniopsis crossed with the warm growing warscewiczii species. Flowers have red petals and sepals and the large lip is red at the center fading to white at the edges. Fragrant. Compact $32-35 fs

Very Limited

Miltonia Adelante Milt Cast Moon ‘Dark Cloud’ x Milt My Clown ‘San Diego’ Petals and sepals are a rich yellow overlaid with mahogany concentric patterns. Lip is white with varying degrees of purple blush. Warm grower. $30-32 fs


Miltonia Binotii Miltonia candida x Miltonia regnellii This is a natural miltonia hybrid from Brazil. There is a lot of variation in the flowers have generally the petals and sepals will be yellow to tan overlaid with darker patterns. Lip is pink to purple. $35 fs

Very Limited

Miltonia Puna Cove Milt Belle Glade ‘Everglades’ x Sandy’s Cove ‘San Diego’ Another easy to flower hybrid. Yellow to coral petals and sepals with a contrasting pink to purple lip. $32 fs
Miltonidium (Vuylstekeara) Carnivale 'Okika' Oncidium Wally Curry x Miltonia Guanabara This is quite a strong grower with spikes carrying many 3 inch soft pink flowers. Petals and sepals pink fading to white towards the center with deeper pink spots. Lip is a darker pink with a bit of a waterfall effect at the center of the lip. $32-34 fs

Very Limited

Miltonidium Avalon Bay ‘Wasp’ Mtdm Wildwood x Onc Gold Coin Butte Sepals and petals chocolate with yellow edging; lip canary yellow with maroon crest. Mericlone. $28 fs

Currently Unavailable

 Miltonidium Bartley Schwartz 'Highlander'  Milt Red Pali x Onc Honolulu Multi-flowering and vigorous - flowers are vibrant red with a white to light pink lip, good sized and held on long sprays. Fragrant.  $30-34 fs


Miltonidium Cleo’s Pride ‘Hamma’ Mtdm Cleopatra x Onc Moir Chartreuse petals & sepals with heavy mahogany barring, lip is white with pink highlights. Mericlone.  Fragrant. $28-30 fs

Currently Unavailable

Miltonidium Guann Shin Rouge 'Ruby' Miltonidium Memoria Mary Kavanaugh x Oncidium Firecracker Flowers are an orangey red colour with the lip a bit brighter and accented by yellow patterns midway down. $32-35 fs


Miltonidium Rosy Sunset Onc ornithoryhynchum x Mtdm Pupukea Sunset Flowers are similar to Mtdm Pupukea Sunset but more on the coral to bronze tones. Fragrant flowers on branching spikes held above a fairly compact plant.. $28 fs

Currently Unavailable

Miltoniopsis Breathless 'Florence' Miltoniopsis( Pink Lady x Miltoniopsis Pearl Ono) Drak burgundy waterfall pansy orchid. Fragrant. $28-30 nfs

Very Limited

Miltoniopsis Prelapsarian 'Stefanie' aka #89 Miltoniopsis Paradise Park x Miltoniopsis Woodlands Pink and white Miltononopsis (pansy orchid) with a stunning waterfall pattern. Fragrant. $28-30 fs

Very Limited

Oncidium (Odontioda) Teipels Mitternacht Odm Doctor Tom x Odontioda Teipels Panda Flowers will vary from large white with pink/purple spots to flowers that are heavily suffused with deep purple. Quite variable. $26-28 nfs

Currently Unavailable

Oncostele (Odontioda)  Teipels Bic-Panda Odm bictoniense x Oda Teipels Panda The bictoniense parent should give this cross warmth tolerance and increase flower count. Flowers will be in white to pink shades with darker red markings. $28-30 fs

Very Limited

Odontioda (Odm bictoniense alba x Odontioda Teipels Mondschein) The Teipels parent has variable flower colour though most have been large, generally a white base heavily saturated in yellow highlights on the petals and sepals. $28-30 nfs

Currently unavailable

Odontioda Margarete Holm ‘Alpine’ Odm Bic-ross x Oda Adolf Rohl Off white to lavender flowers overlaid with deeper lavender designs. $28-32 fs

Very Limited

Odontioda Stirbic ‘65119’ Odm bictoniense x Oda Florence Stirling Mericlone. Strong yellow to coral base with deeper crimson spots. $26 ls

Currently unavailable

 Odontobrassia Kenneth Biven 'Santa Barbara'  Odm cariniferum x Brassia longissima Excellent substance and unique color pattern; spidery sepals and petals are a chocolate brown purple, with yellow tips, and creamy lip.  $36-40 fs
Odontocidium Bittersweet 'Black Rose' Odm. bictoniense x Odcdm. Crowborough Sepals and petals have a deep yellow base that is heavily overlaid with glossy, dark wine red blotches. The lip is a dark velvety burgundy. Mericlone $30-32 fs

Very Limited

Odontocidium Cherry Fudge 'Carmela' Odm Summit x Onc leucochilum An easy to grow plant that is free flowering & when mature can flower several times a year. Flowers are brilliantly coloured, deep chocolate and red, and are long lasting. Mericlone. $32 fs

Very Limited

Odontocidium Mayfair Odcdm Tiger Hambuhren x Odm Herb Thoreson Sepals and petals are a bright chrome-yellow with random chestnut-red spots; the lip is a bright yellow with rust-red marks framing the callus and mask. $30 fs

Very Limited

 Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' HCC/AOS  Odcdm Tiger Hambuhren x Odcdm Crowborough Many large (nearly 3") flowers on a branched spike. Flushed red blooms, maroon markings and a bright yellow lip. Very attractive. and the picture does not do it jus  $30-32 fs


Odontocidium Tillie-loo Onc maculatum x Odm bictoniense Primary hybrid. Odm bictoniense is pink and green whereas Onc maculatum has shiny waxy chartreuse flowers  strongly spotted in mahogany. First to flower have had very strong colours with many flowers. $28-30 fs

Currently Unavailable

Odontonia Kamono 'JEM' HCC/AOS Milt Ka Moi x Odm Heonum Mericlone. Sepals and petals maroon with light lavender on tips and the lip is an outstanding maroon/purple merging to pale lavender at apex with a channel of deep maroon at base. $32 fs

Currently Unavailable

Odontonia Tropical Heat Wave ‘Everglades’ HCC/AOS Miltonia spectabiis x Odm Hyperry Sepals and petals red-purple, slightly ruffled; lip purple, margins lighter, waterfall darker ringed white; column white with purple marks, velvety lip. Mericlone. $32-36 fs
Oncidesa (Carpinterara) Sydney Smith 'Green Monkey' AM/AOS Oncidesa New Dimension x Oncidium hastilabium Lots of large butter yellow flowers heavily spotted and barred with maroon. The lip is butter yellow with dark maroon spots. $32-34 fs


Oncidesa Chian-Tzy Yeh 'CT-Free Star'   Oncsa. Sweet Sugar x Gom. Golden Shower Fairly compact plant giving tall spikes of flowers. Lip is disproportionately large compared to the petals and sepals and is a bright yellow. Petals and sepals are yellow with chestnut barring. $30-32 fs
Oncidesa Little Dragon Gom. (Bapt) echinata x Onc. cheirophorum Lots of flowers on this miniature plant. Blossoms are a bright yellow with a deep red lip.  Should be fragrant. $26 fs

Currently unavailable

Oncidioda Chaculatum Oncda Charlesworthii x Onc maculatum '4N' Flower colour can vary from a soft pink to much brighter oranges to red.  $30-34 fs
Oncidioda Pacific Pavillion    Onc hastatum x Oncda Charlesworthii ‘Mishima’ These are giving quite a bit of variation in flowers. Most have the shape of the Oncidioda parent but colours range from salmons to deep sunset tones. View the links to see variation. $32 fs

Very Limited


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